These said that it is better not to ask.
Charles Dickens: The ocean asks for nothing but those who stand by her shores gradually attune themselves to her rhythm.
Sai Baba: Those who ask for love in return are coolies demanding wages.
DeGourmont: The little girl does not ask return love from her doll. She loves. That is all.
Lao Tsu paraphrased: Water does not force its way. **
But if one is not developed enough for the path
of not asking, Jesus has said: "Ask and ye shall
receive. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and
it shall be opened unto you."
Mother Theresa wrote: no boycott.. only peace peace peace.
Mahatma Gandhi wrote the opposite.. that the organized
economic power of the oppressed achieves change.
Whether one takes the north path of will and the sun's
ascent or the south path of water and yielding assent,
the path of following the heart is always sacred.