Solomon's Temple

Perhaps if it had been

built with nonviolent

stone rather than the slaughtered


centenarian cedars of Lebanon

Solomon's temple might

have survived.

The God, the Allah,

the Jehovah worshipped

by Christians, Muslims

and Jews..

is not pleased by

the violence of any

in His name.

Gethsemane, The Dome

Of The Rock, Solomon's

Temple.. all the sites

in Jerusalem.. sacred

to God's worshippers..

.. every foot of Mother Earth

is holy ground, but especially

sacred is the ground

in which the children

of God reconcile.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

The news reported in March
2002 that a San Francisco
govt warehouse burned more
hotly and longer because
it was made of
ancient felled Douglas

(Course In Miracles paraphrased: the holiest
                                  ground in the world is that on which
                                  former foes reconcile)
                 (God spoke to Ishmael, son of Hagar by Abraham. Dominic F,
                 Catholic scholar, has said that the Allah of Ishmael, the father
                 of Islam, is the GOD of the Jews.)
                 (If Abraham is the grandfather of Islam, then Muslims
                 should honor him.)

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