


How easily God makes

myriad bright copies pied

and unpied

of papayas, peppers, and

poppy pods, lotus pads,

vines sweet pea'd.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

(zoophagy: a word used by Tibetan
masters in the 19th Century..
a word not in many unabridged
dictionaries.. it is the
Greek equivalent of the
Latin carnivore)

(to Joe Fulton
spiritual teacher)

Scholar Joan Beth Clair
says Mohammed was the
faithful husband of
an older and independent
woman. Isaiah says
'the lion shall lie
down with the lamb..
they shall not hurt nor
destroy in all my holy
mountain for the earth
shall be full of the
knowldge of the Lord'.
Anthropologists such
as Sri Yukteswar and
biochemists like Linus
Pauling describe
the fruitarian
tract of primates,
which is 12 times
longer than that of
carnivores. NIH so
few of whose experiments
are ethical found that
cats raised in captivity
do not kill their prey..
only play with prey.
Killing is learned
behavior even for cats.

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