The way of yielding water.. flowing.. being ...never preaching
is the teaching of the ancient ..I Ching
Some cherrypick. Some plumpluck but Newton was given
an apple windfall
What are the jobs of appletrees? To breathe and to be
.. while apples come automatically.
The daybreak sun in a state of ever-rest faster than
any mountain climber has scaled Everest
Gently opens the lake lotus the sun with his long fingers
.. and whether He sets or rises ...His light forever lingers
Briefly the fins
of the joyful dolphins
cleave the waters.
Now to mingle again
they begin.
The seawind
and wavedrift
bring their
and seagifts
The wind will
in the windmill
helps windfall
to befall
In a world
of aqua sky
and deep blue sea
the gold sunrise
and pink sunset
are welcome