Jesse Owens, Legend Of The 1936 Olympics


African American Jesse Owens
won 4 Olympic medals
in 1936 in front of racist Nazis in
Hitler's Berlin.
When he returned home
for a celebration in his honor,
he was told at the Waldorf
Astoria to go in the back door.
While Oberlin College in Ohio
was the first in the country
to admit black students,
at Ohio State, there was only
1 men's dorm, from which
Owens was barred because he was black.



Now Ohio State has a powerful international student community. By the early 60's Ohio State had a network of fair housing activists checking on rental properties.But animals continue to be killed in the millions.
Archives: 700 research animals died of overheating in 2006 at Ohio State which has killed millions of research animals.

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