Sheep's Clothing Wars


They have ignited many wars,

the US wolves of plutocracy
in the sheep's clothing
of implanting democracy.



The US has never been a 1 person 1 vote

democracy. The electoral college which has

installed 5 unelected conservatives, the Senate

which gives California with 39,000,000 only the same

2 senators as Wyoming with 600,000, the Supreme

Court 5 of whose current Republicans were nominated

by 2, G W Bush and Donald Trump, installed in the

presidency who did not receive

the more votes, the same Supreme Court whose justices

are not elected and who can impose their dead hands on

justice as they serially kill prisoners, the ruling of a

Republican court that money is speech, allowing billionaires

to buy elections, a duopoly in which unlike parliamentary

democracies third parties must face countless legal roadblocks,

tv and radio networks on which fairness time has been cancelled,

these networks, as Ralph Nader has written, paying pennies for

the license of public airwaves from which through the years they

have made trillions of dollars are just some of the reasons our

government is not a democracy.


footnote:   some reasons our government is not a democracy

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