Food Odyssey Of A Slow Learner



A home ec teacher in high school

showed us the graph on the wall

of a cow marked with dotted lines

to signify cuts of meat.  And I

did not connect the dots to

my plate.


Next came a waitress job and

a daily customer who was

an Indian vegetarian. He had no

impact on my unripe soul.


Kief Newman took me to see the

film Mondo Kane which includes several

horrid animal cruelty scenes. I thought

them terrible and did not connect.


Marvin Katz at a peace vigil said

those who oppose violence in war

should begin with their dinner forks.

The message was understood but

followed by 6 months of resistance.


Next came a trip to Rehoboth Beach.

I asked my stepson David not to fish.

He replied that I ate meat.

That was it. I gave up meat and fish.

5 natal aspects of sun, mercury, neptune,

mars and the north node met that day

in the starry sky the planets of pluto uranus

venus and the moon. I had to be pulled

by the light of stars to make the change.


This was followed by a trip to my inlaws for

Thanksgiving which I dreaded, for my mother in law

was a biology teacher who thought the lab specimens

were too expensive and so purchased several chickens

and wrung their necks on her lunch hour. She loved her

son and grandchildren and had taken care of them after

her daughter in law's death.  She was always kind to me.

Thursday she told me she was a scientist, that vegetarian diet

led to malnutrition. She had misgivings about her family

being subjected to my diet change.


She was also understandably upset that i would not eat

the turkey she had spent so much time

preparing. And so came the surrender and the eating of 1 bite.

That was it. November 23rd is my annivesary

as a vegetarian.


3 years later cracking eggs into a skillet for the family, I saw

feathers beak and claws sizzling as a fetal chicken from a fertilized

egg was being fried alive. The last egg ever cracked by me.


6 years after going meatless and fishless I was still hanging

on to the last animal product.. milk chocolate... until

Bob Pinkus gently pummeled me

into tossing it. 


Sometimes unconscious, sometimes

actively resisting, i've been pulled into

a more nonviolent diet. I was very afraid

I could not act out my resolution, but it

was amazingly easy. I was never tempted.



Footnote to Allets:

You might say I was guilttripped into changing.




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