Skewed Experiments


Laboratory animals live with no sun, freedom,

outside air or exercise, but lie in wire mesh

cages with no soft bedding. They tremble,

sometimes screaming in fright, as 'scientists'

come into their sight. (Dogs are 'debarked', given laryngectomies, so that their protests not bother their abusers.) The vivisectors inflict pain. Some animals are tortured. These demonic conditions

make the victims sick, skewing the 'experiment' results to the point of meaninglessness. My father said one cannot learn about a tree's life by uprooting and killing it.. In addition, humans

are a different species. Pregnant dogs had no reaction to the thalidomide which in 1959 caused human children to be born without arms, others without legs. Xenotransplantation (mixing tissues of

two or mor species) is always contaminating, whether in labs or in food. It was amazing to find how many cows' cells can be in 1 murderburger.



Washington Post: 1 cowflesh patty from McDonald's

can contain cells from over 100 cows, McDonald's

has admitted.

A bipartisan group of legislators demanded Anthony Fauci come to Congress to answer why he approved money for an experiment in which beagles' heads were enclosed in an airtight container while sand flies bit them for hours.

Some of the world's most heinous lab experiments on









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