President Al Gore


One of many factors

in the defeat

of the elected president Al Gore

was that Antonin Scalia

did from the verdict refuse

himself to refuse


Footnote: The US Catholic hierarchy

supported both G H W Bush and G W

Bush in campaigns because of their

position that abortion be outlawed.

In the US presidential

election of 2000, the Jacksonville

Times Union in Florida printed a

special edition, instructing the

black neighborhoods of that city

that every page of the ballot must

be voted. Thus were 20,000 ballots

thrown out. In addition, Katherine

Harris and others purged the voter

rolls of tens of thousands of legitimate

voters. Police

stood in intimidating presence at

black precinct polling place. Antonin

Scalia, a Supreme Court justice,

had 2 sons working for law firms

representing George Bush. As a result,

September 11th 2001 happened and 2

illegal immoral wars of invasion (of Iraq

and Afghanistan) happened.


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