Whn i born in this god gifted life,
tears were in my eyes.
bringing smiles on couple of faces,
i saw millions of cries...
a burden of religion on my shoulders,
i learn how to walk,
facts nd fiction fr religion, a huge folder.
a bit hard to understand nd to talk...
quarrels everywhere in the name of gods,
lots of loot by religious frauds.
seems quiet wierd but its true,
seems lyk dirty hales in aesthetic dew...
huge theories fr every belief,
seems one of society’s freak.
m still searching fr a cause of these distances,
away frm this heart nd provinces...
could’nt found yet a way to get rid of this trend,
soon this body seems to end.
tierd of changing the trend of life,
wht else i can do now... other thn begining cry...
with love...