48 Years Ago Tonight

As I begin to write this, at 8:21pm on the evening of November 23rd, 2024, I think of the events of this same night, a Tuesday night, in 1976.  At about this time, I arrived home with my parents who, in the latr afternoon, had arrived at college to transport me home for the Holiday break which ran through the end of the year, with a return date of January 2nd, 1977.

  I had spent ten or so weeks at college, among snobs (both socially and academically).  The only way I could shield myself from their onslaught was to cling to my c.b. handle, Starwatcher.  Paradoxically, I delayed my departure from campus as long as possible, dreading, also, to return home.  While I did not look forward to returning to my parents' dourly expressed attitudes, I feared two possibilities that were woorse:  that my absence had disrupted my friendship with BlueShift (whom, I admit, I loved homosexually), and that my handle might have been taken by someone else.  These possibilities tormented during the hour'd drive from the college too my parents' home.  Upon arrival there, I spent a little while with my Cockerr Spaniel, Monica (whose delight to see me was validated when she peed on the concrete floor of the garafe.  Then, I put my c.b. (which, at college, I had feared might "disappear" at my parents' behest) into my 1975 Ford Pinto and drove out. My friends on channel twenty-two welcomed me back and told me how some kid had tried to take my handle, but BlueShift and his sister had organized among our friends a "Dead Key" campaign that caused the intruder to relinquish my handke and to depart from the channel as no longer welcome.  BlueShift's sister then asked me if I wanted to pick him up at his workplace, which I gladly did; and, when he got into the car, the ten weeks' absence vanished and our friendship resumed.  As if to validate that, he took his shoes off (the night was chilly, but I ran the heater), and the familiar and provocatively erotic fragrance of his socks filled the compartment, and brought me back to the familiar arousal.  The entire Holiday break was perfect for three reasons:  the season's spiritual significance, first and foremost; the presence of BlueShift; and the "close fit" of my handle, which was mine entirely.


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