July 11th, A Sunday In 1976

I did not get much sleep during the morning of Sunday, July 11th, 1976.  But, the day before, I had entered a new world---a world in which "Fairy Jerry" received n currency, and a world not overwhelmed by the intrusive shadows of Lloyd and Betty.  I understood, not fully but enough to continue on, that both of those burdens were now permanently removed from me through the Grace of our Lord in arranging these handles and screen names.

I do not think I fully realized that the pattern of our---BlueShift's and my---Friday and Saturday nights had been established on the Saturday, July 10th:  one or two movies at the drive in theater; pizza at our vicinity's most elegant Italian restaurant; concluded by a couple of hours of driving around talking on our c.b. with ne "night owls" of channel 22. 



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