FortyNine Years Ago This Month; A Brief Meditation Toward The Election In November, 2024

For my second research paper, a paper as major as a Junior in High School can produce, I wrote a book report on William Shirer's monumental monograph, The Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich, forty-nine years ago in January, 1975.   My paper, which was required to contain a minimum of ten pages, ran to fifty-one pages, fully footnoted, and including bibliography of additional texts consulted.  My teacher remarked that she was reluctant to give it an "A," because it deserved something better, but she had nothing higher than an "A."  It was the second paper (the first being during my sophomore year, on the then still somewhat unusual move to rehabilite that reputation of King Richard III, and prove him innocent of the several murders ascribed to him by subsequent Tudor historians) that I actually enjoyed in all aspects---research and preparation, composition, and editing.

I was thnking today of how much I learned about the Nazi Party and the Third Reich it created from Shirer's excellent understanding and verbal skill.  And I realized I should review this book, and I recommend to you, the reader, to obtain or borrow a copy to study for yourself:  as it will provide to you, I believe, a very accurate and precise depiction of the kind of life and political state that the Innkeeper (whose name I despise, but I will state it here), Donald Trump, is eager to provide to you, and is seeking your vote to empower him to work toward accomplishing this goal on your behalf.

Like his spiritual ancestor, the Bavarian Housepainter, the Innkeeper will not only happily provide this kind of new state for you, he will also take all necessary steps to ensure for you that it cannot be wrested from you by another free election in four years, or even by the possibility of an impeachment (a process which, when applied to him, must be renamed a "witch hunt").  And, when you finally realize that you are as happy as the Innkeeper tells you that you are, or that you better be (or else!), why would you want to take a chance on losing it all to the chaos and turmoil of a freely conducted election in 2028?  If the Innkeeper is successful (and, of course, he has never failed at any effort he has made toward any goal---to hear him tell it, and who else should really know as well as he does?), elections will become only a remembered inconvenience.  

Take a look at Shirer's book---the pattern, the detail, and the processes that will lead to, and maintain, the Trump'sReich are all there, historically substantiated, and very close to another full realization; and God help us all if the election returns him to power.


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