To A Former Friend, A Consummate Betrayer

Our attempts at friendship began . . . oh, when? . . . too many years ago than I care to admit.  One of us should have realized that our differences amounted to more than our similarities, and we would have been, perhaps, better advised just to be nodding acquaintances on this campus.

I was going to list the several grievances I have had, but what good would that do?  Neither one of us was willing to change.  I have never been able to comprehend what you believe friendship to actually be; but I am sure that your belief about friendship is not in any way similar to mine.

A few days ago, I received some advice from a supreme source who, I believe, has been directed by God Himself to assist me in preparing, during this final stage of my life (however short or long it may turn out to be), to lighten my load as I prepare for that last day's launch, starward, to Heaven, accompanied by the angels (at least two, which you will find in Luke 16) to the eternity He has prepared for the redeemed of the great congregation.  

I am sorry that the distance between us became not just geographical but also spiritual. political and social.  The chasm between us cannot be bridged or closed.  In a different cosmos, this might have been different, but aI prefer the Cosmos we have been given by Love Who is God (oh, that is found in 1 John 4:8), and the historical breach between us is the most miniscule of inconveniences in order to continue to enjoy the privilege of living in this Cosmos.  In the reality we both share, we could never have been friends; but we did not need to be active foes.  I really just do not have sufficient time or energy to waste further on remembering your antics and your rather questionable accomplishments.

Although I do not wish you well, I do not wish you ill.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

I met this person on campus; during the entire time we were there, our friendship was only wishful thinking, or a ruse maintained in social settings so as not to aggravate our mutual friends.  Although he claimed to be a poet, and was always playing the part in the most ostentatious manner (usually announcing it or working it into every conversation), I have never found any mention of him anywhere on the internet.

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