Another Response To That Documentary About Matthew

Toward the conclusion of that documentary on Matthew Shepard's murder and martyrdom, a couple of photographs of his brutally injured face (photographs taken in the hospital) crossed the screen.

They were so disturbing that I wanted to puke.  

The documentary also suggested the assailant believed to have inflicted the most injury upon Matthew has never shown the least bit of remorse.

So I will pray, with Psalm 69:24, that God's fiercest indignation will descend upon those two in a deluge of soul-agony, a preparation and foretaste of their eternal sojourn in the deepest and most searing pit of Hell.  

Romans 12:19 tells me I must give place unto wrath.  I give mine a place, right here, in this prayer.  Christians are not permitted to seek personal vengeance.  But on the precedent of the imprecatory Psalms, we are not forbidden to pray to God to inflict the vengeance that is soley God's right to inflict.  And I pray that here.

And I will add to that---writing theologically, not profanely or vulgarly---God damn them.  God damn both of them.  God damn both of them for ever and ever.


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