Praise Report And Thanksgiving

I want to praise the Lord and thank Him for the blessing of a good experience at the podiatrist's office,

The wounds on my feet, and the protrusion on my left pinky toe, have been caused by gout.   Although they are infected, a prescribed oral antibiotic will deal with that.  The wound-care department of our local hospital will contact me for an appointment to permanently dress the wounds, which the podiatrist temporarily dressed this afternoon.  The podiatrist also clipped my ingrown toenails.  This procedure, which I had dreaded because of the pain in my feet caused by the internal spinal damage from almost four years ago, was not at all difficult.  I do not know exactly what the podiastrist did, but he pressed certain points on my soles which reduced the pain to a minimal level.

This morning I was terrified of the anticipating experience.  But, thanks to the Lord's mercy, the actual experience was not difficult at all.  Truly, the Lord has blessed me today.


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