To "Comrade" Lenin, 2, As He, Also, Enters Hell

[late January 21st, or early January 22nd, 1924]

" . . . neither fugues nor feathers . . ."

---Wallace Stevens, "Lytton Strachey, Also, Enters Into Heaven"

Your soul is steeped in martyred, Orthodox Christian blood;

and is engulfed by Hell's flames---as with a deluge or flood.

The comrades will soon put your stiff into that cubic mausoleum,

like an ancient mummy, forever silent, as in a kiddies' museum.

Meanwhile, your soul, fully conscious, will write an squirm in agony

which will be relentless through every moment of infinite eternity.

Your deep knowledge of Comrade Karl's words did not save you, Ilyich;

and your soviet union mounts History's ashpile----you stupid sumbitch.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

The poem's title is a parody of the title of Wallace Stevens' poem which provides the epigraph.

The last word of the poem is a hilljack's truncated version of a similar three-syllable word.

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