Because you hated shoes, and preferred your feet to be bare
or socksheathed, you met harsh words anytime and everywhere.
Because you liked the "below shoulders" length of your auburn hair,
they flung at you abuse that young men should not have to bear.
They shouted at you quite foul insults like "fairy, queer," and, "fag"---
hoping their prejudice could remove what they considered the slag
in your soul. But your nature formed in the womb of your mother,
and I needed to welcome you, and call you Friend and Brother:
I rejoiced when you found your athletic boyfriend---your lover.
I said and say this should be celebrated in poetry,
and restore to good use the term, "Homosexuality"
(in all its forms, so long debased by the hatefilled enemy):
this also is one of Love's gifts to our humanity:
therefore, I offer this series of poems in sincerity.