@ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; Memory From 1975

Dusk does not end the day, but opens its second part.  The

sun, our elder instructor, has prepared us adequately to

gaze upon its peers, the constellated stars.  The sun, the

day's artistic preparer has warmed the air and sky to summer's

seasoned sultriness, of which you have taken full advantage

(without the least regard for the prejudices of prudes and

haters):  you have kicked off your shoes, somewhere unknown to

me, and flung your shirt over the back of a conveniently

located chair.  You are clad in bell-bottom jeans; your agile,

rather provocative feet sheathed in the erotic beauty of

semi-sheer socks, you join me on this well trimmed lawn.  Out of

eyesights and earshots (the nosy neighbors') our kisses

cannot be distracted, disrupted, by their interferences.  We

are BoyFriends---each attained the age of consent, just

nine days apart this past June.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

The nine days' difference in birthdays is not fictive.

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