Since childhood, I have loved most that holiest Sunday, PASCHA,
greatest and most sacred of all holy days. But only, now, I realize the dyed eggs,
distributed and discovered on PASCHA, are tangible symbols of God's
and Christ's Love for mankind, and the blessings that Love has
abundantly placed along our lives' pathways to Christ's Salvific Kingdom.
Author's Notes/Comments:
I can remember the thought process, when I was a child (1967? 1968?), by which I drew the conclusion that EASTER was more meaningful to me than Christmas. While my family made a great experience for me of Christmas, their Easter observances were not at all spiritual and more cursory than their Christmas efforts. I decided I would not emulate them in this. It was not the first of my many rebellions against them, but one of the more significant; and since then, EASTER has been, for me the most important Sunday, and the most important of any days, of any given year.