@ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; Three Summer Poems [XLIX]

1.  During The Summer Of My Thirteenth Birthday

When we decided to explore nakedness

(you kept your socks on, forever altering

my sense of beauty), and we touched each other's

pulse-bobbed engorgements, no past differences 

remained between us.

2.  Summer Vacation Gardening

Rising from sun warmed soil, small sprouts do not know

their seeds had been planted last month by a young

man---long-haired, shirtless, barefoot; baggy jeans---with

his boy friend (similarly clad) during their

hot sixteenth summer.

3.  Glimpse Of My Crush That Summer

Summer breezes play in his hair that cascades

well below his shoulders; sunlight caresses

his bare torso; beneath the frayed cuffs of his

baggy jeans, his bare feet are fervently kissed 

by long, thick grasses.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

These poems are entirely realistic moments from my adolescence (the first poem from the summer I turned thirteen years old; the other two from the summer I turned sixteen years old).  To the best of my knowledge, the couple described in the second poem are still together, and their back yard becomes, each summer, a busily massive garden.

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