Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; *By Faith Abraham, When He Was Called*

[after Hebrews 11:8, and Psalm 126:1]

Do not neglect, if and when you hear it, God's call;

for He will bless you, and those blessings will never stall

nor fail.  And He will forgive each fault, and repair each flaw;

He will calm the storm on the lake, and silence each squall.

(He spared me even from the bad taste of my mother's cole slaw.)

The grave cannot conquer---nor Death cast its permanent pall

(more confining than shackles, and doors with cold, iron bars)

upon those of us whom Christ, by His Cross, has redeemed,

and we will be more than like those who have merely dreamed:

for He has turned, and broken, and shattered our captivity

and qualified us to live forever in His eternity,

to worship Him forever among His constellated stars,

and to enjoy forever the gift and glory of His company.

To the joy of the Faith, I testify in this poetry.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

The thirteenth line alludes to John 14:3 and 18.

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