To Any And All Those Who In Any Way Participated In The Making Of OUTER LIMITS [The Original Series]

You drew my interest to Venus and Mars,

and then out, and beyond, our galaxy;

even to the farthest of the known stars---

and that led to my love of Poetry.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

My first awareness of outer space---which, later, was transformed from the venue of Astronomy to the venue of Poetry---began with, and was first cultivated and encouraged by this series; especially the montage of astrophotography upon which the end credits of each episode were presented at the conclusion of the episode.  You should see that montage:  even today, although we have better views through the Hubble and the Webb arrays, that early montage is still breathtaking to me---perhaps because it meant so much in my childhood, and still does.

I realize now that one of the processes that came together to lead me to the handle Starwatcher, and then to cause it to evolve to Starward (see Revelation 22:16) was set forth by this television series during my early childhood.  Of course, I acknowledge gratefully that all processes, cosmic or personal, are directed  our God and King, Redeemer and Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ, the bright and morning star.

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