July 31st, 1932 And October 28-31, 1922

Almost a decade apart, these two events

have returned to haunt us---election day, 2016

and January 6, 2021.  Now they are throbbing

with excitement---like vampires gloating over a

helpless, hapless victim---as they await

election day, 2024.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Janury 6th had been, historically, the Christian festival of the Epiphany, celebrating (in western Christianity) the arrival of the Magi, the three Wise Men, in Bethlehem to worship the Christ Child.

How horribly disappointing that this holy festival will be, in America, long tainted by the shame, tragdy, and utter stupidity of the insurrection in our nation's Capitol; the destruction of some property belonging to the American People (all of the people, not just the electors, and not just the thugs in the Capitold that day); a travesty upon American History which will either be long scorned or long regretted (depending on the outcome of ithis year's election).  The insurrectionists were being manipulated by a man very wise in the evil ways of the worst of this world:  the Innkeeper, who bestirred them to attempt to do his dirty worked while he watched (while having lunch in the White House).  

The American People must overcome the divisiveness sown among us by the Innkeeper and his thugs and make sure that, regardless of his presence or absence in the various primaries, he does not receive sufficient votes in November to obtain a second term.  I fear that if he does---given his historical disregard for the processes established in the Constitution---the 2024 will be the last Presidential election we are given for a long, long time.  

We must cast our votes to send a clear and lasting message to the Innkeeper:  YOU'RE STILL FIRED!!!!!!!

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