@ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; To Basho, In Praise Of His Young BoyFriend, 01 [ /;\ ]

Toyo's manners were

much more than his age in years

with keen awareness

of your aging body's aches,

and its pathways to pleasure.




Author's Notes/Comments: 

We must remember that the culture of that time and place did not find the age difference between Basho and Toyo as objectionable as our present morality does.  For those who are disturbed by this, the evidence suggests that Basho met Toyo while staying at his father's inn, and presumably courted Toyo with his father's consent.  Basho wrote several Haiku about their love and intimacy, with the implication that Toyo was more mature in love, courtesy and carnal experience than would be expected from an adolescent.

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