Imprecatory Prayer, After Precedent In The Psalms

David, the lover of Prince Jonathan,

and from whom was descended Christ, God's Son

(according to the lineage of His Flesh)

composed, within the Holy Psalmody, 

a number of Psalms of stern imprecation.

Though disbelievers may self-righteously

rebuke me, I raise to the Lord this prayer

(and hope it keeps on flashing, like a strobe,

for all who read it):  damn that homophobe,

the murderer who does not show remorse,

and slam his soul down with the fiercest force

to sear in unimagined agony,

and in the utmost terror of despair.

I hope this prayer will have a long duration,

and never stale---remaining, always, fresh.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

I do not need a disbeliever to tell me that, as a Christian, I am forbidden by my Faith to seek personal vengeance.  I know this, because vengeance is strictly within the Lord's discretion as the Apostle Saint Paul stated in his epistle to the Romans.  However, the precedents established in the imprecatory Psalms (I use the KJV) allow us to ask our Father to avenge wrongs, and to punish---and punish severely---though who will neither cease, nor repent of, the wrongs they perpetrate.

Including homophobes . . . .

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