Well, Laramie, The Fine Folks Here Will Say

"Well, Laramie, the fine folks here will say

"is typical of apple-pie America;

"and nourishes a thriving homophobia,

"and got no place for for queers, fairies and gay

"faggots---and them who come here will long rue the day."

The man said this with pride of place and obvious glee.

But, then the cancer plunged him into untold agony.

Incurable, it brought him closer to his final breath.

He watched in rising terror at the swift approach of death.

They buried him anong good Christians:  that unworthy knave.

I, too, attended his perfunctory funeral.

I asked the Lord to plunge that man's arrogant soul

into damnation.  Then I spit upon his grave.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

A reaction to having viewed the documentary about the brutal and homophobic murder and martyrdom of Matthew Shepard, whose soul . . . I am now utterly convinced . . . is safely and happily with Christ, the Good Shepherd, in Heaven.

Matthew's suffering and death is an indelible stain of shame on Laramie, on Wyoming, and on the United States of America---where we have laws to prevent you from whacking a baby seal on the head, but we just shrug our shoulders at acts of violent homophobia.

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