Our Acquaintance Is One

Our acquaintance is one I heartily regret.

The noise of your brays I wish I could forget.

You have perfected the art of the Fail;

and quite skilled also at friendship's betrayal.

You never understood the integral whole,

but always preferred the easier part,

abandoning each page you tried to start,

preferring the glass half empty to half full.

Ours was never an easy conversation---

as if its only vivified condition

was always some unspecified suspicion

that ours was not friendship but competition,

and its effect---resentful accusation,

and my remembrance of you . . . just derision.




Author's Notes/Comments: 

In September, my thoughts always turn toward my undergraduate experience.  This sonnet addresses an acquaintance---I cannot possibly call it friendship in the common understanding of the word---who managed to exert a baleful presence in my life during the entire four years.  I have never heard of him since we parted on graduation day, June 7th, 1980.  I have never read any publication attributed to him.  Ah, what prescient metaphors!

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