Reminiscence Of A Wannabe Poet I Met On September 9th, 1976

Looking back, I am so sorry we had to be

acquainted; I wish that we had never met:

of my experience there, that is a major regret.

Your wild assertions lacked all credibility:

your pathetic grasp at veneers of authority

did not disguise your innate inanity.

Those stacks of lines that you called "poetry"

was then (and still is, now, most probably)

only a reeking pile of seething reaction

without verbal skill, artless, with no satisfaction

to offer; it lacks the least redeeming attraction.

You were the first of your kind I met in that past

time; but, as I have learned since, not the last

(too many, too often, and all too recently).



Author's Notes/Comments: 

At this time of each year---as I have since 1981---I reminisce about the early effects and results of my matriculation.

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