Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; *Because We Have Loved The Brethren*

We know that we have passed from death unto life,

because we love the brethren.

---1 John 3:14

They have led us out of the world's periphery;

they---whose fellowship is Early Christianity,

and we been blessed to thrive on their Holy Legacy;

to be with them, even across vast History.

We read their Scriptured words, their ancient spirituality,

which never stoops to the dregs of perfidy,

nor the seething rages of prejudiced thuggery.

Although I have succumbed, too often, to fears and wishes;

and have to offer even less than two loves and five fishes,

yet Christ called me, even me, starward unto Salvation---

and that is, and always shall be, my soul's chiefest exulation.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem came to me while watching the film, Quo Vadis (1951).  The passage cited from Apostle John's First Epistle suggests that a love for the Christian Brethren (no restricted to specific time or place) is even more salvific than participation in a Liturgy.  I am glad to have received this reminder at this time in my life.

The eighth line alludes to my adoptive family's ancient arms, which bears the Motto, in Latin, Nect Metuas Nec Optes, from Martial's epigrams, 10.47.13.

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