Comrade, this document needs to be suppressed;
it needs to vanish like a whisp of smoke
blown off by a raucous storm: it must be put
beyond the reach of all but true believers---
yes, you know who I mean, the chosen few---
those who, discretely, can be true deceivers
and who, in these strange days, know what to do.
Some doctors think this paper so distressed
Comrade Lenin that he succumbed to stroke.
I hate to think that somewhere near our land---
but well protected from our reach's powers---
the Tsarevich, the teenaged Alexei,
and that nobody, Kolya, his best friend,
spend balmy, sunny afternoons to play,
upon a well-trimmed backyard, lawn croquet:
shoeless, often shirtless, in baggy trousers
clad; sometimes socksheathed, more often barefoot.
Read on---the very worst of shocks uncovers
itself here: that these two young men are lovers,
affectionate by daylight, openly,
with starlit nights' naked intimacy.
Central Committee members must not learn
of this, much less the greater Comintern:
all of them---mark this---will misunderstand
this as one of many incompetences
(ours, and the executioners') and contend
that Lenin's Party must consist of dunces.