Stop pretending things are ok

Watch your hands as they disappear,

Fall backwards off your twenty first balcony,

Join the line in the endless lines of conlonies,

Stop pretending things are ok,

Everything dies and everything decays,

Cut off your legs before they betray you,

Times is a series of layers and layers,

So you better say your rosary and your prayers,

Because your god never looked so absent,

And this pain never looked so present,

You thought love was enough,

You thought love would make it through,

Love is never enough,

They must of lied to you,

So stop pretending things are ok,

We are all going to die, and today is your day.

So be proud of that scar on your face, my son.

And just be content that is it is all done.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The night it never ends.

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