Victoria park poetry slam…invitation only



All my cloths are on while I am naked here with you

Beneath the shade of trees whispering the breeze to our ears

The strum of your guitar and the beat of my voice

Our glasses lay entwined around your bike hook

Our eyes lay entwined around my pen

Our hearts around your fingers

You sang me music to impress me

I blushed and gave you poems I felt could never hold a candle to your words

Craig said our writing was on par

But the rasp in your voice makes up for the lack of melody in mine, as you gets more soulful I want to cry form my chest, all the way past the voice box that won’t say I like you to the mouth that smiles rather than kiss you, and the eyes that see just how beautiful you are

With sea-foam green expression, eyes closed, head titled back

Adams apple shifting your world, your spirit floating on the wind across the picnic table


You sang me songs for poems that couldn’t hold a candle to you, I gave you poems for songs that couldn’t have known me better if they had actually been written about me…that’s how we first met, naked together under our cloths.




Author's Notes/Comments: 

"But please remember me, my misery

And how it lost me all I wanted"

- Iron and wine

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