Wreckage futures



Why is it we let ourselves go?

Get lost in another person

Slip tight between the folds of their skin

Lose our own thought in the mass of their opinions

Let go and be assimilated into the Borg society

--Don’t stand out--

--Don’t be different--

--Just don’t be at all--

Why do we do it?

For sex?

For money?

For fame?

Why can’t we just trust ourselves?

Stand strong against the storming winds

Let the blowing sands wear down the perceptions of other eyes which cake themselves to our bones over the years

Let the rain wash away failures filth so that when the storm passes we become the light house on the cliff

The beacon guiding other safely home to self

Rather than the water logged wreckage of ships washed ashore

Author's Notes/Comments: 

inspired by a wonderful comment from the ever wonderful Ela Kaca :) read her work nif you haven;t yet, its great



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