What you will always be too afraid to see


You work a soulless shitty job that you hate
It drains you
Makes you an asshole
And leaves you with a hollow life
Hardly any time or friends
And T.V shows instead of a decent girlfriend
And the excuse you give yourself to stay is the money
You are better then everyone else you know because you make enough money to be lonely
And even that is only in your head
You don’t have the gutts to follow your dreams
To even dream for that matter
You’d rather look good than feel good
Your one and only long term relationship which you toss down others throats as a success
Was an abusive, shitty, toxic dynamic
The mother of your child, whom you claim to love
Cheated on you with women
And you were so pathetically whipped by her that you stopped talking to every woman you knew
She controlled you
Owned you
She’s hit you, thrown things at you, and leeched off your wonder job for years
You are just too afraid to go out into the world and find real love
So you stay with her and say it isn’t all bad
You can’t even man up for your son and set a good example of a healthy home for him
Which makes you no better a parent then my mother whom you hate
You surround yourself with weak minded people who won’t stand up to your bullshit
And the reason our friendship always ends is because at some point you cross a line and I do not stand for it
You can’t take what you dish
The second someone is as mean to you
Or rude to you
Or as honest to you as you are with others
You refuse to hear what they have to say
You don’t have the gull to look at yourself and see who you really are
You waste your education and owe student loans for nothing
You have never known what you want in life
You are a hollow
Pot smoking pretty boy
Who can only get the kind of girls who’ll go down on you on command
You don’t date the slutty women cause you like them
It’s cause the good girls
The ones who give massages and hugs and support their partners
Wouldn’t touch you with a ten foot pole
Your condescending god complex keeps you from having any real relationships
You kiss like a six year old who wants to eat a cookie
And you fuck like a toddler potty training
And after 14 years of watching you make a mess of your life
I am soooooo sorry if I am finally getting bored
Man up
Get a real life
cowardice is unbecoming

Author's Notes/Comments: 


guess I should put a disclaimer that this is me, trying to see what it is like to be them, this is basically how they would talk to people in their life and then they keep wondering why they are not effective....hmmmmmm, so yea I figured I would write a poem, in their space about what I see negative in them, just to see how it feels to be them, I have come to understand two things, the first is why I am never too heart broken if our friendship ends, the second is why they drink so much

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