The world is won by those who let go


This just feels odd
So normal, pain free
Like there is nothing but moments
The past is a lie
The future a dream
And now
Now is this reality that doesn’t matter either way
Good or bad
If we stay friends or it was just an ‘I’m sorry’ phase
Now doesn’t matter
The past doesn’t matter
Loving you once doesn’t matter
Cause here, now, in this dance class
None of that is real
The only thing that is real
Here, now, in this dance class
Is the fact that no one but you and I knows any of the other moments
So they only matter if we let them
And we don’t

Author's Notes/Comments: 

It is really nice to be friends and not be attached to if we stay friends or not, still a little odd when you randomly grab my leg and balance me in class tho

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