Sometimes you just need to Nike it and see how it goes*


Some loves are built with the intent to break
Others with the desire to last a life time
Others yet just live in the now
The here
The moment
They do all that they can just to get from one day to the next
To last however long they can last
Feeling no need to put a best before date on what’s real
Some loves are started only because you know they will end
Others because you don’t think they can end
Others yet because you just Nike the shit out of an opportunity
Full of excitement to see where it all goes
Some loves last that life time
Some fail before they begin
But ours will always be what it has always been
A string of moments desperately clinging to the next
Never ending
Never beginning
Just a check mark on a runner’s shoe

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I had a chat once about how I was affriad to try kising anyone new because I didn't want to do so and discover that I was still a mess inide about it all, some of the best advice I was ever given was given to me in that convo "Sometimes you just need to Nike it and see how it goes", its good advice


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