Dude look in a mirror



I have held plenty of misconceptions
Like you are a man who cared about me
A man of your word
Who does what he says and means what he does
A guy who wouldn’t use a girl
Lead her on
Cheat in any form of the word
And after all you have said and done
Not said and not done
You have the gull to act wounded
Bruised by my new view of you?
Yet I am the one with too many misconceptions
And NONE of them were created by you right?
So why bother cleaning them up?



Author's Notes/Comments: 

"Some rules are made with all intentions to break
And she defends it with a warped rationale.
And I've seen what happens to the wicked and proud
When they decide to try to take on the throne for the crown."
- Brand new

a few days old, so behind on posts

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