Was it the kiss, the cab ride, or your ghost that spooked me most?


There I was thinking I was finally complete with it all
I had found the root to why I couldn’t get past it
Voiced my demons and could now move on
But then I find myself celebrating Chris’ birthday at Chain Saw
Being hit on by your kinder twin and his friend who looks like David Usher
1 am.
I am sleepy
So I take a walk of slowing sobriety to crash in a bed that isn’t mine
When a sudden shift in plans lands me sharing a cab with this kind hearted stranger
The one who felt that me smiling and singing to “Kiss me I’m shitfaced” warranted an actual kiss
And the Cabby asks if we mind going this way as he turns down your old street
Before I have a chance to say “I mind” we drive by your old apartment
Lucky for everyone involved the slow calm breathing kept the need to vomit at bay
So I guess there are things I am not complete with after all

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Maybe it was the 5 hours convo with my first abusive ex, the high feeling of closer and first taste of free happiness, the sad in my soul when I could not share this insight with M, the excitement when I got to share it with G, the copious amounts of bad signing, two drinks and a shit ton of flirting coming from every guy at the table, the way your ghost looked at me all night, the awkward odd random kiss from dude, and the cab driving by that house of evil memories…I think that would overload ANYONE’S system!

Over all though I think it was a kick ass night

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