I think that you should date Eli*



You are right we have a connection
A comfort in the soul
and he would treat me right
He knows that I am the kind of woman you catch and keep
No matter who comes in from his past to hurt me
He would love me and treat me right and never EVER let himself take me for granted
But what you missed
What you seem to not understand
Is that love is a choice
You chose to give and receive it
You chose to accept or refuse it when someone offers you their love
Love is a choice
But the kind of love you feel is not
No matter the 'connection'
No matter how he will treat me
I cannot love him like I love you
And when you said those words to me
You hurt me more than you can ever know



Author's Notes/Comments: 

I have spent the last 8 years of my life learning to be ok with the fact that no matter what I do, I can't love that man, that I hurt him everyday by NOT loving him, how dare you take what he desires, squander it like pennies, and then have the audacity to tell me to give your pennies to him, you are a spoiled asshole

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