Jekyll or Hyde

One moment careening down the street,

The next in step with the city’s beat.

Fiery passion gives way to sense,

The id temporarily relents -

At least until a mirror draws near.

I dare venture a look. Nothing’s clear.


The lights go up and the curtain comes down.

Two characters remain – neither takes leave.

Angel or criminal, cleric or clown,

Each one with an agenda up his sleeve,

And they both appeal.

Just how do I choose?

Is one the more real?

Will I win or lose?


I drop caution, let go of all safety bars…

Then I backtrack, hold them tight.

Is it Jekyll or Hyde, Jekyll or Hyde? Is it Jekyll or Hyde tonight?


I kept complaining the boat was swaying

Until they informed me I was rocking it.

In desperate moments they found me praying

Only to remind me I’d been mocking it.

It is quite a tangled web we weave

When we practice ourselves to deceive.


First I lay down arms in complete surrender,

Next I fight with all my might.

Is it Jekyll or Hyde, Jekyll or Hyde? Is it Jekyll or Hyde tonight?


I boldly lay claim to independence

Then kneel down before you in the same breath.

What will happen upon my ascendance?

What of dismissal? What of sudden death?


Will you depart, seize the first moment for flight,

Or dare draw nearer the light?

Is it Jekyll or Hyde, Jekyll or Hyde? Is it Jekyll or Hyde tonight?

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