It Matters to Me

To you, mere embers lost on the wind. 

To me, threads of gold bringing beauty to my life. 

Because you stood strong and disciplined 

Today I live burdened by less struggle and strife. 


How many hours with you would be enough 

To properly learn all you’ve seen and done? 

My supple skin would be calloused and rough 

Had you not dared to stand proud in the sun. 


Others marvel at their dubious perfection 

As our cherished laugh lines deepen and twist. 

I pity them, so lost in their own reflection, 

Not a clue of the treasure in their midst. 


Paragraphs fall across your knowing face 

As you scoff and say, “I didn’t do anything,” 

Yet I know that’s simply not the case, 

For the opposite is true – you did everything. 


Though you tell me your efforts were small, 

Hidden from places most young eyes can see,

The fact remains in mine you stand tall -

I want you to know it matters to me.

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