The Exception



it seems all my life i've always been...

it seems all my life i've always been...


i've been shut out by the club of boys again

they patronized me and turned their backs

i choose not to follow in their tracks

i don't want to be her gay best friend

i want to be her man, her sweet, her cuddle bear

but i always wind nothing in the end


it seems all my life i've always been...

it seems all my life i've always been...


in pre-k i couldn't do my abc's

so i was older than the kids in my grade

despite my efforts i was always delayed

i tried to ride a two-wheeler, i really did

but i never got my balance and scraped my knees

when all i wanted was my father pleased


it seems all my life i've always been...

it seems all my life i've always been...


little boys were called words like "tiger" or "slugger"

but rough play left me unfulfilled and black and blue

i preferred day trips with my grandmother

at six or seven i put on weight

by age twelve i was 148

a fatty for others to berate

i succeeded in reducing size

but my a-cup somehow stayed the course

post-op i'm not legitimized


it seems all my life i've always been...

it seems all my life i've always been...


no matter where i go i'm never on time

5:43 becomes 5:45

i wish that i could press rewind

as i enter rooms with work in progress

seeing life sans my hand in the process

ever off-kilter, always behind

a peripheral thought in the back of the mind

genuine, gentle, candid, kind


it seems all my life i've always been...

it seems all my life i've always been...


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written on a weekend in October 2007.

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