Moving On

Poems About Love

We've all had our hearts broken
We've all felt the pain along with it
And we all know how it feels
To be alone
You can't find one person
Boy or girl
Who hasn't felt the pain of a break-up
Whether divorced, or just cheated on
It's happened to us all
And the plain fact is
That it happens because we as people
Don't know what we really want
And don't know what we look for
And all we really know is
We want love
No one wants to be alone
No one chooses to be rejected
But it happens
And like it or not, we have to move on
But the more break-ups there are, it seems
The closer we get to finding the other half
The ones we're meant to be with
And every shatter in the human heart
Is another piece glued together
When we find love again
But that period of hurt is always going to exist
We can't just push it away
Because we all love in our own special way
And getting hurt is part of life
But the hurt brings better days
We're never hurt or alone forever
There is always a smile brought back to the face
And the heart is together once again

Author's Notes/Comments: 

To me, all anyone in this world needs is love, and it's all anyone really wants. The world can be so full of greed and people feel like trust is something we no longer hold. But I feel you have to trust someone. Because no one wants to be alone. And no one likes getting hurt, but we live endure it for the sake of being happy, and finding what we need. I don't know if people really know what they want or need, but God has a plan for us all. He knows the way and we follow in the footsteps He has placed for us.

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