Women Rule

Poems About Life

Let me tell you why I feel
That women truly rule this world
We are the ones who carry on life
And we are the ones who love
We feel the emotions
We go through all kinds of trauma
And we are still strong
We always move on
We struggle with men hurting us
And we take it with a fight
We listen to these lies
And we're always alright
There is never a day that goes by
Where, in newer societies
Women are more and more stronger
Than we ever used to be
We couldn't vote
We couldn't be independent
We couldn't fight for our rights
Men and women should be made as equals
But women truly take care of both
We are the care-takers
The fighters
The ones who love and try so hard
To make sure everyone else is happy
And not to say men don't do the same
Which is why we should be equals
But if you look at the facts
Women try harder than men do
And men don't always seem to care
Men don't feel much pain
And men don't realize what they do to us
But women really do rule
In equality, we succeed
In everything we do

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This was mostly for a friend of mine, I was trying to get a point across to her. She has just broken up with her boyfriend and she was talking to me asking why it is that this happened, she felt like she did something wrong. We kept talking and it got to the point where I was telling her the differences between men and women. I wrote this for her to show her what I meant and she liked it. Honestly though, I think men and women truly are equals. God made us that way. But even though it's supposed to be that way, it's not all the time. Because there are men who feel they are superior and that they are the true leaders. But that's not the case, there is no true leader other than God. We are all His creations. And we should treat with respect that He made us equal. This is what I think.

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