My Only Freedom

Poems About Love

Walking through fire, you seem to understand
That I need more help than I can find
You know that I might not make it alive
But you're willing to give me all you can
Seeking the inner spirits that once haunted me
The only way out is the only way in
This omen seems to be more than fantasy
I can feel it creeping into my soul
And you're the only one that can see it too
You pull me away and it's never changed a thing
You think you can help me find the answers
But what are these answers we seek?
When am I going to live the life I once had?
I can never go back and deep down I know this
I can never be the one I was meant to be
This killing sense has taken over
I am no longer myself...
I finally realize the answer
And it was there all along
But could I really accept such a thing?
You pull and pull when all I need is a push
Because this is the only way
This will be my only freedom
You try to stop me, you can't watch me go
But I have no choice.. they're calling me
I walk into the beyond and await my destiny
It was inside all along, slowly taking over
The paths I've taken
The choices I made
Were all the beginning of the end
But you can't look away
Even as I tell you what only can make sense
You still pull me farther
Telling me it's not the answer
And all I have to say is
Then what is?
And you let go
You'll miss me, I know
But this is my last resort
This is where I always truly belonged
And I don't feel the fear any longer
Why does this feel so right?
When in your eyes it's always going to be wrong

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is about how when you truly love someone and truly care, that sometimes you have to let them go. And if it's meant to happen they'll come back to you. This is also about a soul mate who is the only one that truly understands what's written on your heart, the one who has the key.

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