
They say it's not normal to be disturbed
That it's unhealthy to be different
Being insane or dysfunctional is frowned upon
But with the world as twisted as it is
How can we not help this?
How can we save ourselves from the insanity?
Yes, they have therapy, and doctors, and medication
But all it does is cover it up
It's all still there somewhere
And you can't get rid of it
It's not wrong in my eyes to be different
Sometimes it's just better that way
Who really wants to be another clone?
If we can't live in a world where some are different
Then why are we living at all?
The ones that are insane are the ones that truly understand
They know what it's like to deal with anything
They can actually handle it
They're not stupid like everyone thinks they are
But we lock them up and throw away the key
Why do we do that?
There are so many people in this world
That treat others like they don't matter
And we wonder why so many just give up
The world is a lot worse now than it used to be
And it scares me that it might get worse than this
I have hope for the future
That someday, someone will change something
And suddenly it will be better
We can fix the world one step at a time
But we need to fix ourselves first
We need to realize that no one is perfect
And that mistakes are made
And that I believe will help us
To live in a better world than this


Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is something I think about a lot. I feel like the world is very screwed up sometimes and that it's only getting worse. I'm not trying to be pessimistic but it really seems that way. We don't accept those that are different, even though you see it more and more. Whether it's actually having a disability or just simply cast away from other people. We're all different and as far as I'm concerned, there's no such thing as perfection. I do believe that the world is pretty bad and I want to help as much as I can, which is exactly what I do in many different ways. :)

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