What ever happened to "Love Thy Neighbor"?

What ever happened to the Open Mind?

Sometimes i think that the Hippies of the '60s

Were the only ones who ever got it right...

Why not make love,make peace,make friends,

Instead of making war?

Why hate each other,and kill our Brother?

What are we fighting for?

And what ever happened to Human Rights;

The ones our Soldiers fight and die

To protect,to keep us free and safe?

But what is "Freedom",anyway?

Any why is it just "Liberty and Justice",

And Equality for some,but not for everyone,

When it should be "For ALL"?

Why can't we all be One United,

A world of love for all inside it?

If we live in a house divided,

We will surely fall.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

why can't we all just get along?

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