Your Light Has Gone Out

My Friends

We met by chance 

From that meeting 

We became friends

Your smile

Made my day brighter

You laughing

Made my day

When I was being silly

Our talks, phone calls and text

We're something

That made my day better

Because knowing you cared

And I cared about you

Showed us we were

Strong and united

Once I got word

You were lost

And couldn't be found

My heart sank

My world turned gray

I prayed you would

Be found

And you would be ok

Only to find out

Your no longer here

Your light has gone out

I will never hear,

Or see you again

In this life

My tears,

My heart aches,

My very being shattered

You were a very good

Friend to me 

And never can be replaced

I will always cherish 

Our memories,

Our good times 

Even when your

Light has gone out

You will forever watching

Out for me and the

Rest of us


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