We met by chance
From that meeting
We became friends
Your smile
Made my day brighter
You laughing
Made my day
When I was being silly
Our talks, phone calls and text
We're something
That made my day better
Because knowing you cared
And I cared about you
Showed us we were
Strong and united
Once I got word
You were lost
And couldn't be found
My heart sank
My world turned gray
I prayed you would
Be found
And you would be ok
Only to find out
Your no longer here
Your light has gone out
I will never hear,
Or see you again
In this life
My tears,
My heart aches,
My very being shattered
You were a very good
Friend to me
And never can be replaced
I will always cherish
Our memories,
Our good times
Even when your
Light has gone out
You will forever watching
Out for me and the
Rest of us