Tears fall like the rain
'Cause they need to be let out.
But what about the tears
No one knows about?
Those are the ones we don't share
But, to ourselves, keep;
The tears that are locked up
Inside somewhere deep.
These tears hurt ten times more
Than the ones we see.
They may not mean anything to you,
But they are slowly killing me.
These unseen tears are the cracks
That are destroying my fragile heart.
They were small at first but now are so big
That each day they chip off a part.
Where is the glue to put the pieces back together?
I will pay whatever the cost.
Is there any detective smart enough
To find the parts that are lost?
Or will I forever be broken,
Unable to fix or mend
These cracks in my heart?
Will I stay this way til the end?
Will the healer ever come my way,
The only one that can save me?
Or will these tears forever remain
The ones nobody can see?